Hi Guyz , i'm back with a brand new post which will be very helpful to you.As we tend to all use google nearly a lot of ten time every day to go looking about somethings for projects and etc.But perpetually we tend to land up reading to search out the proper results.So friendzz this post is to help you effectively hunt for the required data you want to learn the art of framing search quires.
In the following line some tips to frame the search quires area unit discussed .So follow U.S. down :-
Never raise questions.For example, if you would like to search out out some data about prime minister of Asian country and if you kind
WHO is that the prime minister of Asian country ?
in the search box , then you will find yourself getting lakhs of matches however most of them being useless.This is because the program or google searches for each word in the search query seperately. That is , in this case , your program can hunt for words "who" , " prime" , "minister" , "India" separately and then display all the results.Most search engines drops common words like "a" , "and" , "is" , "the" etc.....
- Surround your query with quotes (") or place some punctuation marks (; - ) if you would like it to be treated as one phrase rather than a series of individual search terms. for example , if you would like to go looking for book titled God of tiny things then you will write it as
"god of tiny things"
or as god-of-small-things
or as god ; of ; tiny ; things
- Use wildcard * for pattern matching.For instance , if you would like to go looking sure thing involving DOC then you will write
The results can all contain Doc or begin with doc or would be of the format of document -
The minuscule word matches aren't case however the uppercase words words area unit case-sensitive for example , if you write
programit will match with program or Programs or PROgram .... and PROGRAM.But if you writePROgrmathen it'll only match with PROgram. -
To specify that a word or a phrase must appear in the matched document , place a plus sign (+) like a shot before it.For example, the subsequent query+ Boston + universitywill match with webpages having both words Boston and university.
To specify that a word or phrase must not appear in matched documents, place a sign (-) like a shot before it , example ,
+ Asia - china
So guyz this were some tips to make your search results higher. Please keep visiting my web log and am passionate about it if you thought it to be fascinating. For any query or help post below.