Monday 28 October 2013


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Saturday mail delivery in North American country was eliminated by North American country Post on February one, 1969!

  •  In Tokyo, a bicycle is quicker than a automobile for many trips of less than fifty minutes!
  •  There square measure eighteen different animal shapes within the Animal wacky cookie zoo!
  •  Should there be a crash, Prince of Wales and blue blood William never travel on constant plane as a     precaution!
  •  Your body is growing and removing fifteen million red blood cells per second!
  •  The king of hearts is the solely king while not a mustache on a typical taking part in card!
  •  There aren't any clocks in city gambling casinos!    
  •  there is one coin machine in city for every eight inhabitants!
  • The mona Lisa has no eyebrows. it had been the fashion in Renaissance   Florence to shave them off!  
  •  Every day twenty banks square measure robbed. the average take is $2,500!
  •  The most popular forename within the world is Muhammad!
  •  Table cloths were first meant to be served as towels with that dinner guests might wipe their    hands and faces once eating!
  •  Tourists visiting Iceland should apprehend that tipping at a eating place is taken into account associate degree insult!
  •  One automobile out of each 230 created was taken last year!    
  •  The names of Popeye's four nephews square measure Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye!

Thursday 10 October 2013

Mobile Syndromes

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Up till now the debate has been whether mobile radiations can cause Brain Cancer or not. But recently, a new spectrum of diseases related to use of mobile phones has come to the notice of medical professionals and it is anticipated that from 10 years from they will take an epidemic shape.

Computer Vision Syndrome:- It occurs in 90% of people who use computer for more than three hours a day at a stretch. It leads to drying of the eyes and Head Ache. Prevention :- Take a 20 Seconds break after every 20 minutes and look by a distance of 10 feet for these 20 seconds.


Monday 30 September 2013

Want to create your Search lead to Google more economical and need to search out what you would like simply then follow Me down

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Hi Guyz , i'm back with a brand new post which will be very helpful to you.As we tend to all use google nearly a lot of ten time every day to go looking about somethings for projects and etc.But perpetually we tend to land up reading to search out the proper results.So friendzz this post is to help you effectively hunt for the required data you want to learn the art of framing search quires.

In the following line some tips to frame the search quires area unit discussed .So follow U.S. down   :-
Never raise questions.For example, if you would like to search out out some data about prime minister of Asian country and if you kind
 WHO is that the prime minister of Asian country ?
 in the search box , then you will find yourself getting lakhs of matches however most of them being useless.This is because the program or google searches for each word in the search query seperately. That is , in this case , your program can hunt for words "who" , " prime" , "minister" , "India" separately and then display all the results.Most search engines drops common words like "a" , "and" , "is" , "the" etc.....

  1. Surround your query with quotes (") or place some punctuation marks (; - ) if you would like it to be treated as one phrase rather than a series of individual search terms. for example , if you would like to go looking for book titled God of tiny things then you will write it as
  "god of tiny things"
 or as god-of-small-things
or as god ; of ; tiny ; things

  1. Use wildcard * for pattern matching.For instance , if you would like to go looking sure thing involving DOC then you will write
    The results can all contain Doc or begin with doc or would be of the format of document
  2. The minuscule word matches aren't case however the uppercase  words words area unit case-sensitive for example , if you write

    it will match with program or Programs or PROgram .... and PROGRAM.But if you write
    then it'll only match with PROgram.

  3. To specify that a word or a phrase must appear in the matched document , place a plus sign (+) like a shot before it.For example, the subsequent query
    + Boston + university
    will match with webpages having both words Boston and university.

    To specify that a word or phrase must not appear in matched documents, place a sign (-) like a shot before it , example ,
    + Asia - china

So guyz this were some tips to make your search results higher. Please keep visiting my web log and am passionate about it if you thought it to be fascinating. For any query or help post below.

Free Web Hosting

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Today I will give a tutorial on how to host a website for free. As you all know free website hosting services are not as efficient as the paid one like that of my pal Madhur Chauhan. And my website itself.
So guyz dont remain in a impression that free web hosting is a very good method to make your website. But yes it is an alternative method that is free .Als an improtant note that your site address will not be with .com

So my Dear readers lets start with the tutorial. I will make a free website and host it through

  1. Things that you will need :-

    • Internet connection ( that is obvious :D )
    • An Email - ID.
    • And some time to read and apply this tutorial.
  2. Firstly open a new tab in your browser.
  3. Enter the web address A page given beside will open.
  4. Then click on sign up option.
    • Select Free Hosting plan in the Hosting Plan Option
    • Leave Choose the domian name option empty
    • Click Continue.
    • Fill the New client Tab with real and non- Fake information.
    • Click on the circle that is open and then continue button appears. Click it.
  5. Copy the Client Id in an safe place for say notepad.
    • Click on "Click here to login into your account.
  6. Open up your E-Mail Id and check your Inbox for the verification code E- Mail.
  7. Click the link.Then Enter your client id or Email address and password.
  8. Now Click on Domain Name Manager.A new Window will open and then select "Create a free sub domain name".
  9. Enter your website name and click " Create".
Now your Free website is made. Just you have to go to the website and follow the onscreen instructions to edit the website and write posts and information of your brand new website. For any queries and information comment below without hesitation

Show off by increaing performance scores (DOESN'T Increase performance!!)

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Ensure you're logged in as an administrator and browse to the following location on your hard drive: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\ DataStore. Check the files are sorted by date and that you have write permission. Open the most recent one in Notepad (right-click and choose Open with… > Notepad), then choose Edit > Find and search for "<winSPR>".
Select the text between this and "</winSPR>". You can now enter your scores in this section, starting with "<SystemScore>9.9</ SystemScore>". You can do the same for each of the sub-scores. Set them to any number up to 9.9. Save the file to fake your score until you next rate your system.!!

Note: This won't increase performance, just the score!!

Friday 27 September 2013

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My Other Blogs Are:-


Thursday 26 September 2013

Secret Windows 7 themes!!!

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Hi guys, I am Aditya Banerjee (on the blog as Hack Duke or HD).

I got something interesting for Windows 7 users. Discovered this after I made hidden files visible and a little poking in C drive.

Microsoft has secret themes/wallpapers from places around the world. And they are, as I said, hidden.

So, first of all, Go to the Windows installation directory (usually the /C: drive.). Then go to the "Windows" folder. Here, a folder named Globalization should be present. Double click on it. There will be probably 2 folders, named "ELS" and "Sorting".

Ok, so what now? Well, now click on the address bar. It will change to C:\Windows\Globalization. Now add a "\" and type in "MCT" (without spaces). The full path should be something like this "C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT". Voila!! Some folders!! Open them (one by one). For eg. MCT-AU will give you three folders. All these folders will have a "theme" folder. Open it. You will see a Windows Theme File. Double click it. And now, enjoy these themes. They are also present in the "Customize" menu (which can be reached by right clicking on any point on the desktop).


Here's the Image with Label